Course Description
This course is a refresher and requires that you provide evidence of prior training in this unit. A copy of your previous Statement of Attainment (less than 2 years old) will be required at time of enrolment.
Nationally recognised Unit of Competency
- RIIWHS204E Work safely at heights
A nationally recognised Statement of Attainment will be emailed to participants deemed competent at the conclusion of the course.
Course Outcomes include
This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge to work safely at heights.
- Identify work requirements
- Identify work procedures and instructions
- Access and install equipment
- Perform work at heights
- Clean up work area
Participants are required to be physically capable of working at heights.
Extra Information
Student Information
Our website has a comprehensive range of information that will help you make an informed decision regarding the training we provide. Please refer to the Student Handbook for general information regarding your rights and responsibilities when we provide training to you.
Unique Student Identifier
If you are undertaking nationally recognised training you will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). It is free and easy for you to create your own USI online. By law, training organisations can only issue your certificate once they have received your USI. Please visit to create your USI.